Reference sheets will include front & back full body shots, a bust, and a simple background.
They're also flexible so the price may vary depending on any special requests.
$75 Unshaded Sheet w/o Icon
Unshaded Sheet w/ Icon $85
Shaded Sheet w/o Icon $95
Shaded Sheet w/ Icon $120
Art by astr0Butter
Commission Sheet
This is where you can find out the prices of pieces and see some examples as well. Please check out my ToS page before filling out the form.
Shaded Illustrations
$75 base price | +$20 per extra character
$65 unshaded | +$15 per character
Price may increase depending on the complexity of the request and/or character design. NSFW is NOT an extra charge.
Less complex backgrounds could be requested to negotiate a different price.
Shaded Full-body
$55 base price | +$20 per extra character
$45 unshaded full-body | +$15 per character
Price may increase depending on the complexity of the request and/or character design. NSFW is NOT an extra charge.
Simple backgrounds could be requested at no charge, otherwise, it will have a transparent background.
Chibi (Or smaller/micro characters)
$45 base price | +$15 per extra character
$35 unshaded | +10 per extra character
Price may increase depending on the complexity of the request and/or character design.
Simple backgrounds could be requested at no charge, otherwise, it will have a transparent background.